Voting Rights advocates recognized at Capitol building for registration efforts
ATLANTA, Ga. (Atlanta News First) - A coalition of more than 60 non-profits are being recognized for their efforts to get people registered to vote.
The coalition being acknowledged is called “ProGeorgia.” They are a group of non-profits committed to making sure people get registered to vote each election year, and that people exercise their right to vote.
The group said they have ramped up their efforts, and over the last ten years, and collected nearly 250,000 voter registration forms and have contacted millions of potential voters. Despite their success, they said there is still much work to do.
“We shouldn’t have to change the rules every year to vote. We shouldn’t have to clear people off the rolls if they haven’t voted recently. We should be able to request an absentee ballot and mail it in without difficulty, said Tamieka Atkins, with ProGeorgia.
The coalition was recognized by both the House and Senate chambers today. ProGeorgia will be going on tour starting in May, hitting other parts of the state to try and get people registered to vote.
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